Total raised
BYN 35 632,32
Total raised (%)
Valentin Yanushkevich
Valentin Yanushkevich
12/16/2011, Bobruisk city, Mogilev region

Valentin Yanushkevich

16.12.2011, Bobruisk city, Mogilev region
  • Diagnosis: juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA)
  • Fundraising goal: purchase of drug Humira
Fundraising is over
Meet the child
At the age of three, Valentin underwent a serious operation to correct a congenital heart disease, which made an imprint of course on the child’s life. Because of disability, he could not attend kindergarten, play fully and enjoy communicating with peers. Fortunately, there were loving and caring parents around him, who, as they could, protected a cheerful little son, the baby was slowly recovering.

It seemed that life had became stable. Unfortunately, a new misfortune fell on the family: juvenile rheumatoid arthritis declared itself a complex of severe symptoms - and again the pain, prohibitions and restrictions returned to the child’s life, and the hospital ward replaced home for a kid for a long time...

Unfortunately, till today the treatment regimen did not lead to the expected result. Given the type of ilness, duration of remission, exacerbations, response to treatment to achieve remission, Timofey is recommended long-term therapy with the drug adalimumab (Humira). The course of treatment requires 13 packs of the expensive drug with a 1-year course.

Dear friends, Valentin study at school, he is trying hard, and in his dreams he sees himself as an engineer or a dentist. The boy will definitely make his noble choice and achieve success, but first the kid needs to become healthy.

Thank you for уour support and readiness to help!
Together we make a difference!
21.03.2017, Minsk
  • Diagnosis: neurotrophic keratitis of both eyes
  • Fundraising goal: purchase of medication
Amount needed
124 122
We still need to raise
84 076
Total raised (%)
04.05.2010, Zhlobin, Gomel region
  • Diagnosis: acquired three-stage aplastic anemia, superheavy course
  • Fundraising goal: purchase of medication
Amount needed
257 865
We still need to raise
104 663
Total raised (%)