Total raised
BYN 174 946,01
Total raised (%)
Aleksandr Zaichenko
Aleksandr Zaichenko
12/06/2006, Cherni, Brest Region

Aleksandr Zaichenko

06.12.2006, Cherni, Brest Region
  • Diagnosis: epilepsy
  • Fundraising goal: invasive stereo-EEG
Fundraising is over
Meet the child
Sasha's happy and carefree life was interrupted by an epilepsy attack that happened in July 2021. The prescribed treatment worked, but at the same time the side effects came in the form of severe stuttering, attention deficit and sleepiness. In February 2022, MRI showed focal-cortical dysplasia of the left frontal lobe of the brain. Since July 2022, the disease has gained momentum so much that the attacks have become up to 45-70 times a day: nodding, flinching with falling objects, tonic-clonic seizures with impaired consciousness, speech disorders, sudden falls.

The Republican Research and Clinical Center of Neurology and Neurosurgery review showed the need for an additional study - invasive stereo EEG.

Invasive EEG monitoring is used to determine the localization of the onset of an epileptic seizure in the brain in complex forms of pharmacoresistant epilepsy, when determining this zone is impossible using non-invasive procedures.

Sasha's family applied to the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the purpose of conducting this study and received a positive response. The clinic issued an invoice to perform invasive stereo-EEG surveillance for the boy to the tune of Russian rubles.

This is the only way to determine the location of centers that cause convulsions and to determine other treatment strategies. And it is an opportunity to return to a full, bright and happy life. Let's work together for a great cause and help Sasha.

Dear friends, thanks to your participation and a large transfer from our kind partner, the Private Trade and Production Unitary Enterprise "AKs-mebel", the necessary amount for Sasha has been collected. We thank all those who are not indifferent for participating!
Together we make a difference!
21.03.2017, Minsk
  • Diagnosis: neurotrophic keratitis of both eyes
  • Fundraising goal: purchase of medication
Amount needed
124 122
We still need to raise
84 076
Total raised (%)
04.05.2010, Zhlobin, Gomel region
  • Diagnosis: acquired three-stage aplastic anemia, superheavy course
  • Fundraising goal: purchase of medication
Amount needed
257 865
We still need to raise
104 663
Total raised (%)