Total raised
€ 24 139
Total raised (%)
Fyodor Kaminskiy
Fyodor Kaminskiy
02/20/2002, Minsk

Fyodor Kaminskiy

20.02.2002, Minsk
  • Diagnosis: Epidermolysis bullosa
  • Fundraising goal: Purchase of medications
Fundraising is over
Meet the child
Fedor suffers from Epidemolysis bullosa - a rare genetic disease: the skin of the boy is as thin and fragile as the wings of a butterfly and any touch causes severe pain. Fedor needs expensive special dressing materials and medicinal preparations for skin care routine. With their help the quality of Fyodor`s life can be greatly improved. The cost of care products for the year is 7000 Euros. 368 Euros were fundraised during a charity auction exhibiting Fedor`s drawings among the VIP-clients of Belgazprombank. We kindly ask for your assistance in acquiring the dressing materials for the boy that will ensure less pain in his daily life.

Dear benefactors, if you want to receive the latest news about the activities of the Chance Foundation you can subscribe here, or join the official group of the Foundation in social networks: VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook.

  • 11.02.2013

Fundraising starts for Fyodor.
Together we make a difference!
  • Diagnosis: oncological, hematological and immunological diseases
  • Fundraising goal: medications, MIBG-diagnostic, FMI-test
Amount needed
535 000
We still need to raise
288 099
Total raised (%)