Total raised
₽ 1 821 200
Total raised (%)
Egor Nazarov
Egor Nazarov
01/24/2017, Osipovichi, Mogilev region

Egor Nazarov

24.01.2017, Osipovichi, Mogilev region
  • Diagnosis: MCAs: congenital duodenal obstruction, esophageal atresia, condition after staged surgical treatment. Esophagostomy. Gastrostomy.
  • Fundraising goal: surgical treatment
Fundraising is over
Meet the child
Dear friends, we are resuming fundraising to help Egor. At the moment, the child is in the hospital in the intensive care unit.

The story of Egor is a story of struggle, patience and hope. The baby was born with multiple malformations of internal organs, esophageal atresia. The first operations were carried out within a few hours after birth. After three weeks of intensive care and another three weeks in the hospital, Yegorka was discharged home. In the subsequent hospitalizations and surgeries followed one by one according to a phased treatment plan, the doctors did their best to help the child.

In January 2020, it was time to perform another planned operation, which, unfortunately, led to the development of complications. A second operation was required, followed by forty-one days in intensive care. These days have become endless for the parents, exhausted from anxiety and helplessness.

Unfortunately, despite the numerous efforts of doctors, the main problem remained unresolved - the kid still cannot take food through the mouth, only through the gastrostomy tube. Fortunately, numerous operations and daily difficulties did not break Yegorka - he is growing up as a surprisingly cheerful child. Like a little sun, every day he gives joy to his loved ones, charging him with his love of life, curiosity and an open smile!

A child can be helped in a Moscow clinic, whose surgeons perform unique operations on children with diagnoses similar to Yegor's. The operation is expensive, the family does not have such funds. The amount of the declared fee includes the payment for the surgical treatment and the costs associated with it.

Dear friends, thank you for helping Egor to come back to normal life and fulfill his dreams!
Together we make a difference!
  • Diagnosis: oncological, hematological and immunological diseases
  • Fundraising goal: medications, MIBG-diagnostic, FMI-test
Amount needed
535 000
We still need to raise
288 099
Total raised (%)