Total raised
₽ 31 850
Total raised (%)
Dmitry Lira
Dmitry Lira
05/28/1999, Minsk

Dmitry Lira

28.05.1999, Minsk
  • Diagnosis: sudden cardiac arrest with successful restoration of cardiac activity
  • Fundraising goal: genetic analysis
Fundraising is over
Meet the child
When Dmitry was 16 he had a sudden cardiac arrest. Fortunately, thanks to the physical education teacher and the school nurse, cardiac activity has been successfully restored. Now Dmitry feels better and tries to return to normal life. The boy is recommended to do a genetic analysis in Moscow (search for mutations in the genes responsible for the most common forms of primary channelopathy). Such analyzes are not carried out in Belarus. The examination will allow the guy to avoid possible cardiac arrests in the future.

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Together we make a difference!
  • Diagnosis: oncological, hematological and immunological diseases
  • Fundraising goal: medications, MIBG-diagnostic, FMI-test
Amount needed
535 000
We still need to raise
288 099
Total raised (%)