Total raised
$ 9 390
Total raised (%)
Albert Bavtuto
, Minsk

Albert Bavtuto

  • Diagnosis: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
  • Fundraising goal: purchase of medications
Fundraising is over
Meet the child
Dear friends! Thank you for helping Albert! To get rid of the disease Albert needs to undergo treatment with costly medications. The amount required for the purchase of the drugs is raised! We greatly appreciate your support!

Parents' Letter (April 9, 2012 года)

Dear Chance Foundation!

I am Denis Bavtuto, the father of a boy who is almost nine years old. His name is Albert. And he is about to celebrate his birthday, which is very soon, on April 16, at the oncological department of Republican Scientific Practical Center for Children's Oncology, Immunology and Hematology in Borovlyany. The dreadful diagnosis — acute lymphoblastic leukemia — unexpectedly, like a lightning, divided our life into two parts — BEFORE and AFTER…

Let me tell you a little about the life BEFORE: I met my future wife at a pioneer summer camp. Both of us were eleven. She returned my affection. With the course of time our children's feelings grew into serious ones. We often recollect those times when we dreamt of having a family with two kids — an elder boy and a little sister for him. In a year after our wedding the dreams started coming true — we had a baby boy! In three more years our second child — a little sister and baby daughter was born. Our life was full of significance. We were the happiest parents in the world! We were not afraid of any hardships! My wife had been a photographer her whole life. Regardless the financial troubles the enterprise I worked at had been experiencing I kept on working there as a welder. Then I was made redundant and in a little while became a taxi-driver. Our kids always had all our attention. They never wanted for anything. Our son did sports and was a real gentleman, he loved and respected us and felt almost awe towards his little sister. We live in a house and there’s always something to do — we constantly build or remodel something. I was proud of having such a wonderful son, a real helper. Whatever I did Albert was always by my side, watching carefully and helping. Our kids were growing up healthy. They very rarely got sick. The horrible diagnosis of leukemia shuttered everything bright we had in our lives… And that dreadful AFTER began…

The savings we had managed to make were very modest and we ran out of money at the stage of Albert being examined. And the emergency purchase of imported drugs for the first cycle of chemotherapy left us heavily in debt. Our Mom is in the hospital with Albert and I am at home with our daughter. While Arina is in the nursery school I work. I also work at night when my daughter is sleeping. The little girl misses her brother desperately, she has become capricious, refuses to go to the nursery school. Usually cheerful and happy, she has grown reserved and there’s always sadness in her eyes. She constantly asks when her brother will return. Surely, I don’t tell her everything hoping that Albert will soon be home and we’ll forget everything as a dreary dream! But she seems to understand a lot at her age.

Time plays against us! Soon Albert will have to start the second chemotherapy cycle and we do not have money to continue the treatment. That’s why I have to ask you for help. You are our CHANCE, our hope! Please, help raise money for the purchase of medications for our son!

I hope for your mercy. I believe there are a lot of kind people in the world!

With great respect to you and your work,

Denis Bavtuto

  • May 11, 2012

Today we have remitted to Albert's parents' account part of the necessary amount ($ 1 987) so that the boy could start taking the medications.

Together we make a difference!
  • Diagnosis: oncological, hematological and immunological diseases
  • Fundraising goal: medications, MIBG-diagnostic, FMI-test
Amount needed
535 000
We still need to raise
288 099
Total raised (%)