Freedom of movement

It is difficult to assume that Darya Karina and Dasha, three active and inquisitive girls, recently suffered from constant pain. The pain was caused by juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis strikes children under the age of sixteen. The illness is accompanied by pain throughout the body, swelling, limited mobility, constraint. Depending on the form and complexity of the disease, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis can turn a healthy child into a disabled child in a few weeks or months. Disease affects not only joints, it also causes complications to the internal organs, the organs of hearing and vision.

Contemporary medicine offers the children, that can’t continue the traditional baseline therapy, new genetically engineered drugs, that help to struggle with the disease. The effect of the drugs is noticed immediately: the pain decreases, mobility returns. One of the drugs is Adalimumab, known as Humira.

Two injections of Humira a month cost 1,800 dollars. It is an opportunity for Darya, Karina and Dasha to live a full life, to learn, to travel, not to differ from their peers. Thanks to the help of benefactors, the girls have already begun the treatment with Humira. Medical reports and parents' excitement witness that Humira really helps.

Dasha Mironova, whose eyesight was significantly affected by the disease, now can see clearly with both eyes. Treatment with Humira helped the girl to get rid of the eye infection and doctors were able to carry out the necessary operation to remove the complicated cataract with the implantation of an intraocular lens.

Girl’s mom writes:

"After the operation Dasha became happier. She is having fun closing her left eye and looking with her right, with which she couldn’t see before the surgery. For the first time in six years Dasha does not complain of the pain in her eyes. Bruises from the under eye injections have healed. The girl doesn’t suffer from pain in her joints any more. Our family realized what is a calm, happy and fulfilling life of a child! "

Doctors also noted positive changes in Karina Trifonova and Darya Prosekina’s condition. The damage of joints stopped, blood tests normalized, trichauxis disappeared. The girls became taller, it is a major achievement for children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

Humira is a very expensive medicine. An annual course of treatment for one child costs 21,600 dollars. Medication should be continued to achieve sustained remission in which the disease progression stops.

If you stop the therapy with Humira all the positive results of the treatment will disappear. This means a return to pain, limited mobility, hormonal drugs, hospitals and isolation.

Your donation will give girls the freedom of movement and a life without pain!

You can help Dasha Mironova, Karina Trifonova and Darya Prosekina in a way that is convenient for you:

Thank you for your help and support!