Mark has generalized myopathy syndrome (muscle weakness, mainly proximal, thickening and soreness of proximal muscle groups, a history of hyperfermentemia), widespread calcification, polyarthritis with lesions of the elbow, wrist, knee, ankle, hip joints.
The boy has limited movement in the shoulder, elbow, knee, and hip joints. He moves on tiptoes and bends his legs. Calcifications are pathological, typically spherical, accumulations of calcium salts in tissues and organs in Mark's body. In spite of the obstacles, Mark attends school, has a passion for drawing, sculpting, playing checkers, and is intrigued by robotics.
The Republican Medical Council's decision on prescribing biotechnological medicines to patients under the age of 18 has resulted in the boy receiving tofacinib prescription. Mark was assisted in purchasing one package of medicine. To keep going with the treatment, the boy needs to buy 7 more packs of tofacinib. Mark needs our help in the fight against the insidious disease!
Dear friends, thanks to your participation the necessary amount for Mark has been collected. We thanks all those who are not indifferent for participating!